
Past Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA) & Annual Digital Education Award (ADEA)

Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA)

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. Maria Inmaculada Melero CARRASCO, Centre for Language Studies
  2. Alexander Ian MITCHELL, Dept of Communications and New Media
  3. LOON Seong Yun, Robin, Dept of English Language & Literature
  4. Graham John WOLFE, Dept of English Language & Literature
  5. CHANG Tou Chuang, Dept of Geography
  6. LONG Shi Ruey, Joey, Dept of History
  7. Jaradi Priya MANISH, Dept of History

NUS Business School

  1. Joel GOH, Dept of Analytics & Operations
  2. ZHANG Weina, Dept of Finance
  3. NG Weiyi, Dept of Strategy & Policy


School of Computing

  1. SOH Soon Hong, Harold, Dept of Computer Science
  2. Keith Barrett CARTER, Dept of Information Systems & Analytics
  3. HENG Cheng Suang, Dept of Information Systems & Analytics
  4. TAN Wee Kek, Dept of Information Systems & Analytics


Faculty of Dentistry

  1. Gopu SRIRAM

School of Design and Environment

  1. CHUNG Shu Yeng, Simone, Dept of Architecture
  2. ZHANG Ye, Dept of Architecture
  3. TAY En Rong, Stephen, Dept of Building
  4. KOH Zhenglong, Donn, Division of Industrial Design
  5. Reppard Brian STONE, Division of Industrial Design

Faculty of Engineering

  1. Suraj VASUDEVAN, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  2. (TEAM) HENG Chun Huat, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • ZHANG Jianwen, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • LUO Sha, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • CHEUNG Jun Hao, Eric, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • UH Choong Leng, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering

 3. (TEAM) LUO Sha, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering

  • EE Wei Han, Eugene, Innovative & Design Programme Office
  • SOH Eng Keng, Innovative & Design Programme Office
  • TEO Shohei, Brian, Innovative & Design Programme Office
  • Annie TAN, Innovative & Design Programme Office
  • YIP Kwok Keong, Innovative & Design Programme Office
  • YIP Chi Ho, Justin, Innovative & Design Programme Office
  • Rajesh Chandrasekhara PANICKER, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • ONG Eng Teo, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
  • SNG Wei Meng, Daniel, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
  • SING Seng Teck, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering

 4. CHUA Kian Jon, Ernest, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
 5. Md Raisul ISLAM, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
 6. THIAN Eng San, Dept of  Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Law

  1. LEOW Pei Si, Rachel
  2. WOON Cheong Ming, Walter

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

  1. LAU Siew Tiang, Lydia, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
  2. (TEAM) Goh Li Meng, Denise, Dept of Paediatrics
  • Mahesh Babu RAMAMURTHY, Dept of Paediatrics (NUH)
  • KOH Pei Lin, Dept of Paediatrics (NUH)
  • NGIAM Siew Pei, Nicola, Dept of Paediatrics (NUH)
  • TEO Chia Loong, Allen, Dept of Paediatrics
  • CHEW Chin Wu, Crispen, Dept of Paediatrics
  • Magasewary d/o KARUPPIAH, Dept of Paediatrics
  • Michael LIM, Dept of Paediatrics (NUH)

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

  1. Marina Jose KANETI


Faculty of Science

  1. Peter Alan TODD, Dept of Biological Sciences
  2. Han Zhe, Dept of Pharmacy
  3. WANG Qinghai, Dept of Physics
  4. Vikneswaran s/o GOPAL, Dept of Statistics & Applied Probability


University Scholars Programme

  1. Edmund LOW
  2. TOK Eng Soon, Dept of Physics
  3. Bart Van WASSENHOVE

Residential Colleges

  1. WONG Jock Onn, Centre for English Language Communication
  2. JEW Yun Hsien, Daniel, College of Alice & Peter Tan
  3. (TEAM) Kankana MUKHOPADHYAY, College of Alice & Peter Tan
  • WONG Soon Fen, College of Alice & Peter Tan
  • TAN Lai Yong, College of Alice & Peter Tan
  • LAI Chiu Yun, Joelle, College of Alice & Peter Tan
  • TAN Xue Yun, Angie, College of Alice & Peter Tan
  • Reuben WONG, College of Alice & Peter Tan
  • Kevin MCGAHAN, College of Alice & Peter Tan
  • TOH Tai Chong, College of Alice & Peter Tan

 4.  TOH Tai Chong, College of Alice & Peter Tan
 5.    KUAN Yee Han, Tembusu College

Centre for English Language Communication 


  1. Daron Benjamin LOO
  2. (TEAM) WU Siew Mei
  • Misty COOK
  • Natalie HUDSON
  • LEE Kooi Cheng
  • ONG Pei Shi, Dept of Pharmacy

 3.  YUEN Pui Lam, Brenda

Annual Digital Education Award (ADEA)

School of Computing

  1. (TEAM) Martin Joachim HENZ, Dept of Computer Science
  • LOW Kok Lim, Dept of Computer Science
  • Ronald Boyd ANDERSON, Dept of Computer Science
  • LIEW Chun Tze, Eldric, Dept of Computer Science
  • NG Tse Pei
  • Joey YEO
  • TAN Yu Wei
  • Julius Putra Tanu SETIAJI
  • LEE Ning Yuan
  • Vignesh SHANKAR
  • Thomas TAN
  • CHEN Shaowei
  • LIOW Jia Chen
  • GE Shuming
  • Rahul RAJESH
  • Daryl TAN
  • SHE Jiayu
  • Tiffany CHONG
  • Anthony HALIM
  • TEE Hao Wei
  • KAN Yip Keng, Jet
  • LOW Jun Kai, Sean
  • Sigmund CHIANASTA

School of Design & Environment

  1. Clayton MILLER, Dept of Building

Faculty of Engineering

  1. YEOH Ker-Wei, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering


Faculty of Science

  1. (TEAM) Fung Fun Man, Dept of Chemistry


  • LAM Yulin, Dept of Chemistry
  • John YAP, NUS Information Technology
  • GAN Ju-We, NUS Information Technology
  • GOH Yee Ting, Maria, Centre for Instructional Technology




University Scholars Programme


  1. LOY Hui Chieh, Dept of Philosophy


Centre for English Language Communication

  1. (TEAM) LAM Wanli, Aileen
  • LUU Tran Huynh Loan, Jodie
  • SIM Swee Choo, Sylvia

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. ZHOU Ziqian, Jan, Centre for English Language Communication
  2. Muzzammil Bin Mohamed YASSIN, Centre for Language Studies
  3. Sasiwimol KLAYKLUENG, Centre for Language Studies
  4. ONG Ee Cheng, Dept of Economics
  5. Leslie LEE, Dept of English Language & Literature
  6. LOON Seong Yun, Robin, Dept of  English Language & Literature
  7. Sinja GRAF, Dept of Political Science
  8. LEE Li Neng, Dept of Psychology
  9. WONG Yuh Ju, Peace, Dept of Social Work

NUS Business School

  1. LIU Qizhang, Dept of Analytics & Operations
  2. HUAN Li Yueh, Julie, Dept of Strategy & Policy

School of Computing

  1. CHIA Wai Kit, Henry, Dept of Computer Science
  2. Steven HALIM, Dept of Computer Science
  3. TAN Wee Kek, Dept of Information Systems & Analytics

Faculty of Dentistry

  1. SOH Shean Han


School of Design and Environment

  1. CHEAH Kok Ming, Dept of Architecture
  2. Cristian BADARINZA, Dept of Real Estate
  3. QIN Yu, Dept of Real Estate
  4. Christophe Jean Jacques Michel GAUBERT, Division of Industrial Design


Faculty of Engineering

  1. Mrinal Kanti MUSIB, Dept of Biomedical Engineering
  2. LUO Sha, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  3. Rajesh Chandrasekhara PANICKER, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  4. Sangit SASIDHAR, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  5. SOH Wee Seng, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  6. SNG Wei Meng, Daniel, Dept of  Mechanical Engineering


Faculty of Law

  1. TAN Zhong Xing


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

  1. CHAN Yah Shih, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
  2. PAN Ling Te, Terry, Dept of Anaesthesia


Faculty of Science

  1. WU Jinlu, Dept of Biological Sciences
  2. LIM Zhi Han, Dept of Mathematics
  3. HAN Zhe, Dept of Pharmacy
  4. YAU Wai Ping, Dept of Pharmacy


University Scholars Programme

  1. LOW Swee Yang, Edmund


Residential Colleges

  1. JEW Yun Hsien, Daniel, College of Alice & Peter Tan
  2. Sadaf ANSARI, Ridge View Residential College
  3. Connor Clive GRAHAM, Tembusu College
  4. KUAN Yee Han, Tembusu College


Centre for English Language Communication

  1. FONG Yoke Sim

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. ZHOU Ziqian, Jan, Centre for English Language Communication
  2. CHAN Kwang Guan, Daniel, Centre for Language Studies
  3. Leslie LEE, Dept of English Language & Literature
  4. LOON Seong Yun, Robin, Dept of English Language & Literature
  5. Graham John WOLFE, Dept of English Language & Literature
  6. Daniel Adam FRIESS, Dept of Geography
  7. William Ward BAIN, Dept of Political Science
  8. LEE Li Neng, Dept of Psychology
  9. WONG Yuh Ju, Peace, Dept of Social Work


NUS Business School

  1. LIU Qizhang, Dept of Analytics & Operations
  2. Doreen KUM, Dept of Marketing


School of Computing

  1. Steven HALIM, Dept of  Computer Science
  2. LEK Hsiang Hui, Dept of Information Systems & Analytics


School of Design and Environment

  1. ZHANG Ye, Dept of Architecture
  2. GOH Yang Miang, Dept of Building
  3. LOW Sui Pheng, Dept of Building
  4. WONG Khei Mie, Grace, Dept of Real Estate


Faculty of Engineering

  1. Mrinal Kanti MUSIB, Dept of Biomedical Engineering
  2. Suraj VASUDEVAN, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  3. CHIAN Siau Chen, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
  4. KUANG Sze Chiang, Kevin, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
  5. CHUA Dingjuan, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  6. Rajesh Chandrasekhara PANICKER, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  7. Sangit SASIDHAR, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  8. TAN Swee Ching, Dept of Materials Science & Engineering


Faculty of Law

  1. TAN Zhi Peng, Benny
  2. WONG Siew Yin, Eleanor


Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

  1. Namrata CHINDARKAR 


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

  1. Shefaly SHOREY, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
  2. LONG Yun Chau, Dept of Biochemistry


Faculty of Science

  1. WU Jinlu, Dept of Biological Sciences
  2. CHNG Shu Sin, Dept of Chemistry
  3. CHONG Yuan Yi, Dept of Chemistry
  4. TAN Ban Pin, Dept of Mathematics
  5. CHAN Chun Yong, Eric, Dept of Pharmacy
  6. LEE Yu-Chia, Joyce, Dept of Pharmacy
  7. YAU Wai Ping, Dept of Pharmacy
  8. CHAN Taw Kuei, Dept of Physics
  9. WANG Qinghai, Dept of Physics
  10. Vikneswaran s/o Gopal, Dept of Statistics & Applied Probability


University Scholars Programme

  1. Barbara Therese RYAN


Residential Colleges

  1. TAN Yuen Ling, Lynette, Centre for English Language Communication
  2. TOH Tai Chong, College of Alice & Peter Tan


Centre for English Language Communication

  1. Daron Benjamin LOO
  2. Laetitia MONBEC
  3. Chitra SABAPATHY

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. ZHOU Ziqian, Jan, Centre for English Language Communication
  2. CHO Jin Hee, Centre for Language Studies
  3. ONG Chang Woei, Dept of Chinese Studies
  4. ONG Ee Cheng, Dept of Economics
  5. Leslie LEE, Dept of English Language & Literature
  6. Graham John WOLFE, Dept of English Language & Literature
  7. LEE Li Neng, Dept of Psychology
  8. LEE Geok Ling, Dept of Social Work
  9. CHUA Kynn Hong, Vincent, Dept of Sociology
  10. Ganapathy Narayanan, Dept of Sociology


NUS Business School

  1. LIU Qizhang, Dept of Analytics & Operations
  2. TAN Seow Kuan, Ruth, Dept of Finance
  3. Ashok Kumar CHARAN, Dept of Marketing
  4. Doreen KUM, Dept of Marketing
  5. HUAN Li Yueh, Julie, Dept of Strategy & Policy


School of Computing

  1. Martin Joachim HENZ, Dept of Computer Science
  2. NG Teck Khim, Dept of Computer Science
  3. LEK Hsiang Hui, Dept of Information Systems & Analytics


 School of Design and Environment

  1. LOW Sui Pheng, Dept of Building
  2. LEE Kwan Ok, Dept of Real Estate
  3. WONG Khei Mie, Grace, Dept of Real Estate


Faculty of Engineering

  1. Alberto CORRIAS, Dept of Biomedical Engineering
  2. Mrinal Kanti MUSIB, Dept of Biomedical Engineering
  3. Satyen GAUTAM, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  4. JANGAM Sachin Vinayak, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  5. CHIAN Siau Chen, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
  6. LEFEBVRE Olivier Patrick, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
  7. Rajesh Chandrasekhara PANICKER, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering


Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

  1. Suzaina KADIR


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

  1. BAN Hon Kim, Kenneth, Dept of Biochemistry
  2. LAU Tang Ching, Dept of Medicine
  3. THONG Kim Thye, Mark, Dept of Otolaryngology


Faculty of Science

  1. YEO Chong Jinn, Darren, Dept of Biological Sciences
  2. WANG Fei, Dept of Mathematics
  3. ONG Pei Shi, Dept of Pharmacy
  4. YAU Wai Ping, Dept of Pharmacy
  5. CHAN Taw Kuei, Dept of Physics
  6. GONG Jiangbin, Dept of Physics
  7. WANG Qinghai, Dept of Physics
  8. LIM Tiong Wee, Dept of Statistics & Applied Probability


University Scholars Programme

  1. LO Mun Hou
  2. LOW Swee Yang, Edmund
  3. Shawna Kyle METZGER 


Residential Colleges

  1. Naviyn Prabhu BALAKRISHNAN, Residential College 4
  2. Walter Patrick WADE, Centre for English Language Communication


Centre for English Language Communication

  1. Misty COOK

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. Sasiwimol KHAYKLUENG, Centre for Language Studies
  2. Izumi WALKER, Centre for Language Studies
  3. PHUA Chiew Pheng, Dept of Chinese Studies
  4. ANG Wan Ling, Susan, Dept of English Language & Literature
  5. WEE Su-Lin, Valerie, Dept of English Language & Literature
  6. Daniel Adam FRIESS, Dept of Geography
  7. William Ward BAIN, Dept of Political Science
  8. LIM Tze Kiat, Elvin, Dept of Political Science


NUS Business School

  1. TAN Seow Kuan, Ruth, Dept of Finance
  2. YEO Wee Yong, Dept of Finance
  3. Doreen KUM, Dept of Marketing


School of Computing

  1. CHIA Wai Kit, Henry, Dept of Computer Science
  2. Seth Lewis GILBERT, Dept of Computer Science
  3. LEOW Wee Kheng, Dept of Computer Science
  4. HUANG Ke-Wei, Dept of Information Systems
  5. LEK Hsiang Hui, Dept of Information Systems


Faculty of Dentistry

  1. Intekhab ISLAM


School of Design and Environment

  1. CHAN Kok Hui, Jeffrey, Dept of Architecture
  2. Lilian CHEE, Dept of Archtecture
  3. WONG Khei Mie, Grace, Dept of Real Estate
  4. TAN Yan Han, Hans, Division of Industrial Design


Faculty of Engineering

  1. Alberto CORRIAS, Dept of Biomedical Engineering
  2. KAH Chen Yong, James, Dept of Biomedical Engineering
  3. Satyen GAUTAM, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  4. LIM Wee Chuan, Eldin, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  5. Praveen LINGA, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  6. JANGAM Sachin Vinayak, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  7. CHIAN Siau Chen, Darren, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
  8. Olivier Patrick LEFEBVRE, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
  9. POH Leong Hien, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering


Faculty of Law

  1. Swati Suryakant JHAVERI
  2. TAN Khee Jin, Alan


Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

  1. GU Qingyang


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

  1. YEW Wen Shan, Dept of Biochemistry
  2. CHEN Zhixiong, Dept of Physiology


Faculty of Science

  1. WU Jinlu, Dept of Biological Sciences
  2. YEO Chong Jinn, Darren, Dept of Biological Sciences
  3. FUNG Fun Man, Dept of Chemistry
  4. Victor TAN, Dept of Mathematics
  5. LEE Yu-Chia, Joyce, Dept of Pharmacy
  6. CHAN Taw Kuei, Dept of Physics


University Scholars Programme

  1. LEUNG Wing Sze, Evelyn
  2. Shawna Kyle METZGER 


Residential Colleges

  1. TAN Yuen Ling, Lynette, Centre for English Language Communication
  2. Walter Patrick WADE, Centre for English Language Communication


Centre for English Language Communication

  1. Misty COOK
  2. FONG Yoke Sim

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. Rungnapa KITIARSA, Centre for Language Studies
  2. ZHANG Yang, Dept of Economics
  3. ANG Wan Ling, Susan, Dept of English Language & Literature
  4. YEOH Guan Hin, Gilbert, Dept of English Language & Literature
  5. Daniel Adam FRIESS, Dept of Geography
  6. LIM Tze Kiat, Elvin, Dept of Political Science
  7. CHA Yeow Siah, Dept of Psychology


NUS Business School

  1. ANG Swee Hoon, Dept of Marketing
  2. Marleen DIELEMAN, Dept of Strategy & Policy
  3. HUAN Li Yueh, Julie, Dept of Strategy & Policy


School of Computing

  1. Steven HALIM, Dept of Computer Science
  2. ZHOU Lifeng, Dept of Computer Science
  3. TAN Swee Lin, Sharon, Dept of Information Systems


Faculty of Dentistry

  1. WONG Mun Loke


School of Design and Environment

  1. WONG Nyuk Hien, Dept of Building
  2. Masaki MORI, Dept of Real Estate
  3. SEAH Kiat Ying, Dept of Real Estate
  4. TAN Yan Han, Hans, Division of Industrial Design


Faculty of Engineering

  1. Karl Erik BIRGERSSON, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  2. Satyen GAUTAM, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  3. JANGAM Sachin Vinayak, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  4. Olivier Patrick LEFEBVRE, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering


Faculty of Law

  1. Swati Suryakant JHAVERI
  2. PHUA Lye Huat, Stephen  
  3. WOON Cheong Ming, Walter  


Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

  1. Naomi AOKI  


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

  1. LAU Siew Tiang, Lydia, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
  2. KOW Wei Chieh, Alfred, Dept of Surgery


Faculty of Science

  1. Peter Alan TODD, Dept of Biological Sciences
  2. CHNG Shu Sin, Dept of Chemistry
  3. Adrian Michael LEE, Dept of Chemistry
  4. YEO Boon Siang, Jason, Dept of Chemistry
  5. KU Cheng Yeaw, Dept of Mathematics
  6. CHAN Lai Wah, Dept of Pharmacy
  7. Chammika UDALAGAMA, Dept of Physics
  8. TAY Seng Chuan, Dept of Physics


University Scholars Programme

  1. Saif A. KHAN, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering


Residential Colleges

  1. PANG Tze Lin, Kelvin, Tembusu College


Centre for English Language Communication

  1. LEE Kooi Cheng  
  2. TAN Yuen Ling, Lynette

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. Aamir Rafique HASHMI, Dept of Economics
  2. ZHANG Yang, Dept of Economics
  3. ANG Wan Ling, Susan, Dept of English Language & Literature
  4. Maurizio PELEGGI, Dept of History
  5. Christopher Michael McMORRAN, Dept of Japanese Studies
  6. Terence LEE, Dept of Political Science


NUS Business School

  1. Ravi JAIN, Dept of Finance
  2. TAN Seow Kuan, Ruth, Dept of Finance
  3. ANG Swee Hoon, Dept of Marketing
  4. Prem SHAMDASANI, Dept of Marketing
  5. Marleen DIELEMAN, Dept of Strategy & Policy
  6. Ravi Chandran s/o Thiagarajah, Dept of Strategy & Policy


School of Computing

  1. Norman Hugh ANDERSON, Dept of Computer Science
  2. Seth Lewis GILBERT, Dept of Computer Science
  3. LIANG Zhenkai, Dept of Computer Science
  4. ZHOU Lifeng, Dept of Computer Science


School of Design and Environment

  1. Tsuto SAKAMOTO, Dept of Architecture
  2. KUA Harn Wei, Dept of Building
  3. WONG Nyuk Hien, Dept of Building
  4. Alice CHRISTUDASON, Dept of Real Estate
  5. KOH Zhenglong, Donn, Division of Industrial Design


Faculty of Engineering

  1. Alberto CORRIAS, Dept of Biomedical Engineering
  2. Karl Erik BIRGERSSON, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  3. LIM Wee Chuan, Eldin, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  4. YANG Kun-Lin, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  5. Akash KUMAR, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  6. Mehul MOTANI, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  7. CHIU Cheng Hsin, Dept of Materials Science and Engineering
  8. LIM Kian Meng, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
  9. LIM Yui Hung, Christina, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
  10. TAN Beng Chye, Vincent, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
  11. THIAN Eng San, Dept of Mechanical Engineering


Faculty of Law

  1. Swati Suryakant JHAVERI
  2. WOON Cheong Ming, Walter  


Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

  1. Ora-orn POOCHAROEN
  2. Zeger VAN DER WAL


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

  1. TAY Sam Wah, Samuel, Dept of Anatomy
  2. NGA Min En, Dept of Pathology
  3. TAN Kong Bing, Dept of Pathology
  4. TAN Chay Hoon, Dept of Pharmacology 
  5. Suresh PILLAI, Dept of Surgery


Faculty of Science

  1. IP Yuen Kwong, Alex, Dept of Biological Sciences
  2. N Sivasothi, Dept of Biological Sciences
  3. CHNG Shu Sin, Dept of Chemistry
  4. Adrian Michael LEE, Dept of Chemistry
  5. LEE Soo Teck, Dept of Mathematics
  6. Victor TAN, Dept of Mathematics
  7. CHAN Lai Wah, Dept of Pharmacy
  8. LIM Fung Chye, Perry, Dept of Pharmacy
  9. CHAN Aik Hui, Phil, Dept of Physics
  10. Chammika UDALAGAMMA, Dept of Physics
  11. YEO Ye, Dept of Physics


University Scholars Programme

  1. Kuldip SINGH, Dept of Physics
  2. Saif A. KHAN, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering


Centre for English Language Communication

  1. Misty COOK

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. CHEN Ing Ru, Centre for Language Studies
  2. Aamir Rafique HASHMI, Dept of Economics
  3. ZHANG Yang, Dept of Economics
  4. GOH Boon Hua, Robbie, Dept of English Language & Literature
  5. YEOH Guan Hin, Gilbert, Dept of English Language & Literature
  6. Christopher Michael McMORRAN, Dept of Japanese Studies
  7. Terence LEE, Dept of Political Science
  8. Yoshinori NISHIZAKI, Dept of Political Science
  9. LIM Wee Hun, Stephen, Dept of Psychology
  10. Paulin Tay STRAUGHAN, Dept of Sociology
  11. Irving Chan JOHNSON, Dept Southeast Asian Studies


NUS Business School

  1. KWOK Chee Chiu, Winston, Dept of Accounting
  2. YEO Wee Yong, Dept of Finance
  3. ANG Swee Hoon, Dept of Marketing
  4. TAMBYAH Siok Kuan, Dept of Marketing
  5. Marleen DIELEMAN, Dept of Strategy & Policy


School of Computing

  1. LIANG Zhenkai, Dept of Computer Science
  2. SOO Yuen Jien, Dept of Computer Science
  3. TAN Sun Teck, Dept of Computer Science
  4. ZHOU Lifeng, Dept of Computer Science
  5. HENG Cheng Suang, Dept of Information Systems


Faculty of Dentistry

  1. Roxanna Jean ESGUERRA 


School of Design and Environment

  1. Erik Gerard L’HEUREUX, Dept of Architecture
  2. CHEW Yit Lin, Michael, Dept of Building
  3. TAN Yan Han, Hans, Division of Industrial Design
  4. CHENG Fook Jam, Dept of Real Estate


Faculty of Engineering

  1. Karl Erik BIRGERSSON, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  2. LIM Wee Chuan, Eldin, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  3. YANG Kun-Lin, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  4. Aaron DANNER, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  5. HENG Chun Huat, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  6. LEE Loo Hay, Dept of Industrial & Systems Engineering
  7. CHIU Cheng Hsin, Dept of Materials Science & Engineering
  8. LIM Yui Hung, Christina, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
  9. TAN Beng Chye, Vincent, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
  10. TEO Chiang Juay, Dept of Mechanical Engineering


Faculty of Law

  1. GOH Yihan  
  2. Umakanth VAROTTIL   


Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

  1. Alex COOK   


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

  1. Raymond SEET, Dept of Medicine
  2. Justin CHU, Dept of Microbiology
  3. Gabriel LIU, Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery
  4. Nicola NGIAM, Dept of Paediatrics
  5. NGA Min En, Dept of Pathology 


Faculty of Science

  1. Adrian Michael LEE, Dept of Chemistry
  2. KU Cheng Yeaw, Dept of Mathematics
  3. NG Kah Loon, Dept of Mathematics
  4. CHAI Li Lin, Christina, Dept of Pharmacy
  5. LIM Fung Chye, Perry, Dept of Pharmacy
  6. TAN Meng Chwan, Dept of Physics
  7. Chammika UDALAGAMA, Dept of Physics 


University Town College Programme

  1. TAN Lai Yong,  College of Alice & Peter Tan 


University Scholars Programme

  1. Patrick DALY
  2. Peter Thomas VAIL   


Centre for English Language Communication

  1. Coleen ANGOVE
  2. Susan TAN

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. CHEN Ing Ru, Centre for Language Studies
  2. CHI Seo Won, Centre for Language Studies
  3. LEE Seow Ting, Dept of Communications & New Media
  4. GUI Kai Chong, Dept of Communications & New Media
  5. CHIA Ngee Choon, Dept of Economics
  6. Aamir Rafique HASHMI, Dept of Economics
  7. YEOH Guan Hin, Gilbert, Dept of English Language & Literature
  8. Christopher Michael McMORRAN, Dept of Japanese Studies
  9. LOY Hui Chieh, Dept of Philosophy
  10. Yoshinori NISHIZAKI, Dept of Political Science
  11. LIM Wee Hun, Stephen, Dept of Psychology
  12. GOH Chor Leng, Esther, Dept of Social Work
  13. Paulin Tay STRAUGHAN, Dept of Sociology


NUS Business School

  1. KWOK Chee Chiu, Winston, Dept of Accounting
  2. Ravi JAIN, Dept of Finance
  3. YEO Wee Yong, Dept of Finance
  4. LIM Kim Geok, Vivien, Dept of Management & Organisation
  5. TAMBYAH Siok Kuan, Dept of Marketing
  6. Jochen WIRTZ, Dept of Marketing
  7. Ravi Chandran s/o Thiagarajah, Dept of Strategy & Policy


School of Computing

  1. Damith Chatura RAJAPAKSE, Dept of Computer Science
  2. HENG Cheng Suang, Dept of Information Systems
  3. TAN Wee Kek, Dept of Information Systems 


Faculty of Dentistry

  1. YU Soo Hoon, Victoria   


School of Design and Environment

  1. CHANG Jiat Hwee, Dept of Architecture
  2. Lilian CHEE, Dept of Architecture
  3. KUA Harn Wei, Dept of Building


Faculty of Engineering

  1. Martin Lindsay BUIST, Dept of Bioengineering
  2. YANG Kun-Lin, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  3. Adekunle ADEYEYE, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  4. Aaron DANNER, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  5. SOH Wee Seng, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering 


Faculty of Law

  1. Daniel William PUCHNIAK   


Faculty of Science

  1. Zeehan JAAFAR, Dept of Biological Sciences
  2. Kunchithapadam SWAMINATHAN, Dept of Biological Sciences
  3. LAI Yee Hing, Dept of Chemistry
  4. CHEW Eng Hui, Dept of Pharmacy
  5. HO Han Kiat, Dept of Pharmacy
  6. CHUNG Keng Yeow, Dept of Physics
  7. YEO Ye, Dept of Physics 


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

  1. NG Yee Kong, Dept of Anatomy
  2. YEW Wen Shan, Dept of Biochemistry
  3. KOW Wei Chieh, Alfred, Dept of Surgery 


University Scholars Programme

  1. Donald Francis FAVAREAU
  2. Patrick DALY
  3. Peter Thomas VAIL  


Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

  1. Ashish LALL   


Centre for English Language Communication

  2. LEE Kit Mun
  3. Jasmine Nadua TRICE

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. CHEN Ing Ru, Centre for Language Studies
  2. CHI Seo Won, Centre for Language Studies
  3. Ingrid Maria HOOFD, Dept of Communications and New Media
  4. Harvey NEO Choong Tiong, Dept of Geography
  5. John Paul DIMOIA, Dept of History
  6. Yoshinori NISHIZAKI, Dept of Political Science
  7. Stephen LIM Wee Hun, Dept of Psychology
  8. Esther GOH Chor Leng, Dept of Social Work
  9. Daniel GOH Pei Siong, Dept of Sociology
  10. Irving Chan JOHNSON, Dept of Southeast Asian Studies
  11. Reynaldo ILETO, Dept of Southeast Asian Studies 


NUS Business School

  1. Vivien LIM Kim Geok, Dept of Management & Organisation
  2. Nitin PANGARKAR, Dept of Strategy & Policy 


School of Computing

  1. Damith Chatura RAJAPAKSE, Dept of Computer Science
  2. SOO Yuen Jien, Dept of Computer Science
  3. TAN Sun Teck, Dept of Computer Science
  4. HENG Cheng Suang, Dept of Information Systems
  5. TAN Wee Kek, Dept of Information Systems 


Faculty of Dentistry

  1. Betty MOK  


School of Design and Environment

  1. CHANG Jiat Hwee, Dept of Architecture
  2. CHEAH Kok Ming, Dept of Architecture
  3. CHEW Yit Lin, Michael, Dept of Building
  4. Willie TAN, Dept of Building
  5. Donn KOH, Division of Industrial Design 


Faculty of Engineering

  1. Saif A. KHAN, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  2. PHOON Kok Kwang, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
  3. Aaron DANNER, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  4. HENG Chun Huat, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  5. TEO Chiang Juay, Dept of Mechanical Engineering 


Faculty of Law

  1. Dan W. PUCHNIAK  


Faculty of Science

  1. LAM Siew Hong, Dept of Biological Sciences
  2. SEOW Teck Keong, Dept of Biological Sciences
  3. NG Wee Seng, Dept of Mathematics
  4. CHEW Eng Hui, Dept of Pharmacy
  5. HO Han Kiat, Dept of Pharmacy
  6. CHUNG Keng Yeow, Dept of Physics
  7. Frank WATT, Dept of Physics 


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

  1. LEE Yuan Kun, Dept of Microbiology
  2. Celestial YAP, Dept of Physiology 


University Scholars Programme

  1. Peter VAIL   


Centre for English Language Communication

  1. LEE Kooi Cheng
  2. Susan TAN
  3. Ruanni TUPAS