
TEG Learning Improvement Projects (Awarded 2016 & Earlier)

This page lists learning improvement projects which received Teaching Enhancement Grants (TEG) in 2016 and earlier.



Identification and Implementation of Key Metrics That Contribute to Successful Endotracheal Intubations

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: TI Lian Kah, Dept of Anaesthesia, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)


  • PAN Ling Te, Terry, Dept of Anaesthesia, YLLSOM
  • Rangarajan JEGADEESAN, Engineering Design & Innovation Centre, Faculty of Engineering
  • Risha AYUNINGTYAS, Dept of Anaesthesia, YLLSOM


Implementing and Evaluating the Impact of a New Science Communication Syllabus

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Sirinut SAWATDEENARUNAT, Centre for English Language Communication (CELC)

Co-PI: Jonathan TANG, CELC


Improving Students’ Professional Skills and Academic Results through Peer Feedback and Self-report in Service Learning

Name of Researcher
Andi Sudjana PUTRA, Engineering Design & Innovation Centre, Faculty of Engineering


Integrating Theory and Skills: The Use of Classroom Gaming and Video-assisted Reflection to Prepare Nursing Students for Clinical Practice

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Jeanette IGNACIO, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM

Co-PI: CHEN Hui Chen, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM


Student’s Metacognition in Authentic Assessment: A Case Study on Designed-based project in Teaching Bioinstrumentation

Name of Researcher
KAH Chen Yong, James, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Interprofessional Advanced Cardiac Life Support Training on Collaborative Skills, Self-efficacy and Emotion Regulation Among Fourth-year Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Sequential Mixed Methods Design

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: LAU Ying, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)

Co-PI: Benjamin S. H. LEONG, Emergency Medicine, NUHS


Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) for Flipping a Graduate Course on Drug Metabolism

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: CHAN Chun Yong, Eric, Dept of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science (FOS)

Co-PI: LAU Aik Jiang, Dept of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science (FOS)


Measuring Learning Outcomes of University Town College Programme (UTCP) in Residential College 4 (RC4): Examining the Constructively Aligned Living-Learning Environments

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Naviyn Prabhu BALAKRISHNAN, Residential College 4 (RC4)


  • Jenson GOH Chong Leng, RC4
  • Elizabeth ONG Ling Lee, RC4
  • Lynette TAN Yuen Ling, CELC Writing Unit & RC4


NUSCollab: Tools for Online Collaboration

Name of Researcher
Cristina CARBUNARU, Dept of Computer Science, School of Computing (SOC)


PharmaVideos: Designing Video Documentaries as a Form of Curriculum Delivery to Enrich Students’ Learning Experience in Pharmacology

Name of Researcher
Judy SNG, Dept of Pharmacology, YLLSOM


Technology-enhanced Learning of Quantitative Critical Thinking by Chemical Engineering Students

Name of Researcher
Eldin LIM Wee Chuan, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


The Use of Mobile Devices for Teaching and Learning

Name of Researcher

PI: Dujeepa D. SAMARASEKERA, Centre for Medical Education (CenMED), YLLSOM


  • TAY Sook Muay, Dept of Anaesthesia, YLLSOM
  • LEE Shuh Shing, CenMED, YLLSOM
  • FONG Chong Hui Ann, CenMED, YLLSOM



Designing and Evaluating a Serious Game for Safe Administration of Blood Transfusion: An Integrated Learning Strategy with Simulation

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Cindy LEE, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)

Co-PI: LIAW Sok Ying, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM


Developing Responsible Learners

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Satyen GAUTAM, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


  • Sachin JANGAM, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Loh Kai Chee, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Engaging Environmental Engineering Students with a Blended Learning Approach

Name of Researcher
Olivier Patrick LEFEBVRE, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Evaluating the Impact of a Communication Skills Module on Computing Students’ Speaking and Writing Skills

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: LEE Kit Mun, Centre for English Language Communication (CELC)

Co-PI: CHONG Peck Marn, Sarah, CELC


Experiential Learning Using Sandboxes and Augmented Reality in Natural Sciences

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Nawaz MOHAMMED, Dept of Geography, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (FASS)

Co-PI: Sandeep Narayan KUNDU, Dept of Geography, FASS


Impact of Living‐learning Programmes on Year One Student’s Transition to University Life: A Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) Case Study

Name of Researcher
LEE Kooi Cheng, Ridge View Residential College (RVRC)


Use of Video in the Teaching of Social Work Research Method

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Srinivasan CHOKKANATHAN, Dept of Social Work, FASS

Co-PI: Jayashree MOHANTY, Dept of Social Work, FASS


Using Standardised Patients in Enhancing Students’ Learning Experience in Mental Health Nursing

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: GOH Yong Shian, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM


  • Piyanee YOBAS, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM
  • Sunil SELVARAJAN, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM


An Interactive Online Portal for Analyzing Educational Data

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Alberto CORRIAS, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Co-PI: Martin BUIST, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Developing Active Citizenship Behaviour: Assessing the Learning Outcomes of Community Engagements in an NUS Residential College

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Sue CHANG-KOH, College of Alice & Peter Tan (CAPT)


  • TAN Lai Yong, CAPT


Impact of Project‐based Scaffolding on Students’ Learning in the Design‐Centric Programme

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: TANG Kok Zuea, Engineering Design & Innovation Centre, Faculty of Engineering

Co-PI: Ameek KAUR, Engineering Design & Innovation Centre, Faculty of Engineering


Laboratory Work: Through the Asian Looking Glass

Name of Researcher
Simon WATTS, Dept of Chemistry, Faculty of Science (FOS)


Optimising Learning and Development During Internships

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Irene Elisabeth de PATER, Dept of Management & Organisation, NUS Business School

Co-PI: Daniel J. McALLISTER, Dept of Management & Organisation, NUS Business School


Self‐regulated Learning on Medical Students in ASEAN Countries

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Dujeepa SAMARASEKERA, Centre for Medical Education (CenMED), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)


  • HOOI Shing Chuan, Dean’s Office, YLLSOM
  • GWEE Hoon Eng, Matthew, CenMED, YLLSOM
  • TAN Kong Bing, Dept of Pathology, YLLSOM


Use of Point‐of‐View Camera to Facilitate Learning of Endotracheal Intubation

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: TI Lian Kah, Dept of Anaesthesia, YLLSOM

Co-PI: Terry PAN, Dept of Anaesthesia, YLLSOM



An Evaluation Study on the Impact of Students’ Use of e-Portfolios on Their Learning Attitude and Academic Writing: A Case Study

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Misty COOK, Centre for English Language Communication (CELC)



Assessing the Impacts of Grade-free Learning

Name of Researcher
Chris McMORRAN, Dept of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (FASS)


A Study on the Impact of Role-Playing and Simulating on Standardised Patients

Name of Researcher
Rathi MAHENDRAN, Dept of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)


Development of a User-friendly Tool for Teaching Concepts in Fluid Mechanics

Name of Researcher
Sachin Vinayak JANGAM, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Datasets and Tutorials to Support Contextual Modelling

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Rudi STOUFFS, Dept of Architecture, School of Design & Environment (SDE)

Co-PI: Patrick JANSSEN, Dept of Architecture, SDE


Enhancing Student Learning in Communication Systems Using Software Radio

Name of Researcher
Mehul MOTANI, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Interactive Materials to Enhance Learning and Teaching

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: ZHANG Jianwen, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Co-PI: LUO Sha, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


“I Hear I Forget, I See I Remember, I Do I Understand”: Development of Large Number Templates of Visual Organisers and Graphical Illustrations

Name of Researcher
CHIU Yu Ko, Dept of Economics, FASS


PharmaCASES: Clinical Applications and Scenarios Through Experiential Learning System in Pharmacology for Medical Practitioners

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Judy SNG, Dept of Pharmacology, YLLSOM

Co-PI: Antonio BERTOLETTI, Duke-NUS, Emerging Infectious Diseases Programme


Proposal to Develop a Cloud Hosted Mobile App Questioning Platform for the Purpose of 1. Minimising Student Self-censorship During Class & Lecture Participation, and 2. Increasing Tutor Awareness of Students’ Unspoken Prevalent Concerns and Queries

Name of Researcher
KOH Zhenglong, Donn, Division of Industrial Design, SDE


Project-centric Approach Towards Creating an Authentic Learning Environment to Enhance Students’ Engagement in a Large Class on Bio-signal Processing: A Case Study

Name of Researcher
KAH Chen Yong, James, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Spit Classroom: Technology-enhanced Experimental Learning of Salivary Biology for NUS Dental Students

Name of Researcher
Chaminda Jayampth SENEVIRATNE, Dept of Oral Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry


Studying the Perceptions of a “Grade-Pressure Free First Semester” Module in Industrial Design Students

Name of Researcher
MOK Chi Hoe, Jeffrey, CELC


Validating Peer Feedback in an E-portfolio: Student Attitudes on Learning and the Guild Knowledge Gleaned From Peer Review Work on Writing Archived in an e-Portfolio

Name(s) of Researcher(s)



Virtual Field Trips (VFT) – Enhancing Learning Through Recreating Field Experience in a Classroom

Name of Researcher
Sandeep Narayan KUNDU, Dept of Geography, FASS


An Online Tool for Collaborative Creation and Use of Formative Rubrics

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: LIU Mei Hui, Dept of Chemistry, Faculty of Science (FOS)

Co-PI: Damith Chatura RAJAPAKSE, Dept of Computer Science, School of Computing (SOC)


Development of Holistic Clinical Assessment for Nursing Students at Transition to Practice

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: WU Xi Vivien, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)


  • WANG Wenru, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM
  • Karin ENSKARN, Dept of Nursing, School of Health Science, Jonkoping University, Sweden
  • PHUA Lay Hoon, Nursing Education, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
  • HENG Gek Noi, Doreen, Nursing Education, National University Hospital (NUH)


Enhancing Learning Approaches of Medical Students from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Sonali Prashant CHONKAR, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School (GMS)


  • TAN Kok Hian, Duke-NUS GMS, YLLSoM, Singhealth Duke-NUS Office of Academic Medicine
  • NG Xin Hui, Ada, O&G, KKH, SingHealth O&G Residency
  • Melissa LIM, O&G, KKH
  • NG Mor Jack, O&G, KKH
  • EE Tat Xin, O&G, KKH, SingHealth O&G Residency


HubTurbo-EDU: A GitHub Adaptor for Managing a Large Number of Student Projects

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Damith Chatura RAJAPAKSE, Dept of Computer Science, SOC


  • LEOW Wee Kheng, Dept of Computer Science, SOC
  • SIM Khe Chai, Dept of Computer Science, SOC


Integration of Augmented Reality and Finite Element Analysis for Augmented Learning

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: ONG Soh Khim, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Co-PI: Andrew Y. C. NEE, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Synergy of Classroom and Laboratory/Site Learning

Name of Researcher
CHEW Yit Lin, Michael, Dept of Building, School of Design & Environment (SDE)


The Mindful Student: A Skills Training Manual for Success in Higher Education. Utilising Psychology, Neuroscience, and Contemplative Wisdom to Maximise Your Brain’s Potential, Better Learning and Greater Happiness As A Student

Name of Researcher
Gregor LANGE, Dept of Psychology, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (FASS)


Virtual Biopharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratory for Enhanced Learning

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Satyen GAUTAM, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


  • LOH Kai Chee, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • YANG Liming, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering



Adaptability and Acceptability of the Flipped Classroom Concept in an Introductory Multidisciplinary Student Setting

Name of Researcher
Mrinal K. MUSIB, Dept of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering


An Evaluation Study on the Impact of Using a Screencasting Software on iPad to Provide Verbal Feedback to Students Learning to Structure An Academic Essay: A Case study

Name of Researcher
Misty So-Sum WAI-COOK, Centre for English Language Communication (CELC)


An Online Feedback Management System for Instructors and Students

Name of Researcher
Damith Chatura RAJAPAKSE, Dept of Computer Science, School of Computing (SOC)


Application of Threshold Concept Theory to Achieve Higher-order Learning Outcomes Through Use of Online Assessments

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Elliot LAW, Engineering Design & Innovation Centre, Faculty of Engineering

Co-PI: PANG Sze Dai, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Communicative Grammar through Podcast-based Learning for Thai as a Foreign Language

Name of Researcher
Sasiwimol KLAYKLUENG, Centre for Language Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (FASS)


Developing a Student Learning Dashboard for Self-directed Learning

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Robert K. KAMEI, Office of Education, Medical Research and Evaluation, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School


  • Sandy COOK, Office of Education, Medical Education Research and Evaluation, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School
  • Scott COMPTON, Office of Education, Medical Education Research and Evaluation, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School


Development of a Design Software to Facilitate Integration of Knowledge Across Modules While Solving Process Design Problems by Chemical Engineering Students

Name of Researcher
LIM Wee Chuan, Eldin, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Development of a Statistical Framework for Optimising Team-based Learning Outcomes: Where Baseball Meets Medical Education

Name(s) of Researcher(s):
PI: Joshua James GOOLEY, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

Co-PI: Chern-Pin CHUA, Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School


Examining the Implications of Course Content and New Literacy Pedagogy for the Integrated Critical Thinking Classroom

Name of Researcher
Walter Patrick WADE, CELC


Experimentation of Solar Photovoltaic to Battery Charging System

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Akshay Kumar RATHORE, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Co-PI: Yung C. LIANG, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Improving Problem-based Learning with Student Tutors in a Course of Food Product Development and Packaging

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: YANG Hongshun, Dept of  Chemistry, Faculty of Science

Co-PI: LEONG Lai Peng, Dept of  Chemistry, Faculty of Science


In-task Versus End-of-task Feedback: The Impact of Timing Feedback in Learning Spinal Anaesthesia and Different Personalities on Learning Strategies

Name of Researcher
TI Lian Kah, Dept of Anaesthesia, Yong Loo Lin Sch of Medicine (YLLSOM)


Online Interactive Database for Self-assessment Questions for Data Analysis and Computing Modules

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Alberto CORRIAS, Dept of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering
Co-PI: Martin BUIST, Dept of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering


Preliminary Study on the Perceptions of Students Towards An Open-book, “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) Final Examination of a Non-majors Biology Class with Large Enrollment

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: SEOW Teck Keong, Dept of Biological Sciences, FOS

Co-PI: Alan SOONG, Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL)


“So How Do They Really Expect You to Speak Up, When You Get Into The Workplace?”

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: LEE Gek Ling, CELC



Technology-supported Workplace Simulation and the Flipped Classroom: An Integrated and Intensive Approach to Prepare University Students for the Working World

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Norhayati bte MOHD ISMAIL, CELC



The Economic and Social Consequences of the Yearly Haze Assaulting Singapore

Name of Researcher
Guillem RIAMBAU-ARMET, Yale-NUS College


Video Recording Tool for Undergraduate Assessment and Learning: The Learning Component (VIRTUAL-L)

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: SOH Lip Min, Dept of Medicine, YLLSOM


  • CHONG Hui Wen, Dept of Medicine (Endocrinology), YLLSOM
  • KAO Shih Ling, Medicine (Endocrinology)/Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
    Nicola NGIAM, Dept of Paediatrics, Standardised Patient Programme Director, Centre for Healthcare Simulation
  • Nicholas WONG, Centre for Healthcare Simulation, Dean’s Office, YLLSOM
  • POH Kian Keong, Dept of Medicine (Cardiology)/YLLSOM
  • KHOO Yin Hao, Eric, Dept of Medicine (Endocrinology), YLLSOM


Assessing the Effectiveness of a New Science Communication Course

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: CHAN Chun Yong, Eric, Dept of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science (FOS)

Co-PI: NG Kah Loon, Dean’s Office, FOS


A Longitudinal Study of Empathy Levels of Undergraduates in the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, and a Comparative Analysis of Intervention

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Dujeepa D. SAMARASEKERA, Medical Education Unit, YLLSOM

Co-PI: Gerald SNG (Medical Student), YLLSOM


Development of Mobile Gaming Application for Teaching Patient Safety Modules for Medical Students

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Alfred KOW Wei Chieh, Dept of Surgery, YLLSOM

Co-PI: Sophia ANG Bee Leng, Dept of Anaesthesia, YLLSOM


Mobile Phone-based Tool for Learning Event Capture

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: C. Frank STARMER, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School


  • Sandy COOK, Office of Education, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School
  • Scott COMPTON, Office of Education, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School


Teaching Algorithms with Web-based Technology

Name of Researcher
Steven HALIM, Dept of Computer Science, SOC



An Educational Trial of Mobile Applications for Teaching a Quantitative Reasoning Course in the University Scholars Program

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: MAK Kwok Kei, University Scholars Programme

Co-PI: Roger C. M. HO, Dept of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)


Connected Learning: Putting the ‘Why’ & ‘Where’ into Chemical Process Safety Education Using ICT-based Integrative Activities

Name of Researcher
Rajagopalan SRINIVASAN, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Enhancing the Learning of Chinese Literature in Department of Chinese Studies in the NUS

Name of Researcher
JIN Jin, Dept of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences


Insightful Learning of Image-Guided Robotic Surgery System Through Hands-on Educational Projects

Name of Researcher
REN Hongliang, Dept of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering


Integrative Learning Across Disciplines: Engage Students in Community Nursing

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: LAU Siew Tiang, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM


  • Cindy LEE, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM
  • Sally CHAN Wai Chi, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM


iTunes University Promotes Independent Lifelong Learning Academic Writing Skills: A CELC Case Study

Name of Researcher


Learning and Assessment in Comprehensive Health Assessment with “Layperson” Simulated Patient to Enhance 21st Century Competencies

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: LAU Siew Tiang, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM


  • TAN Khoon Kiat, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM
  • Sabrina PALHAM, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM
  • LIM Fui Ping, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM


The Ageing Simulation Game for Gerontological Social Work: Sensitising Undergraduate Students to Positive Attitudes Toward Older Adults

Name of Researcher
HONG Song-Iee, Dept of Social Work, FASS


The Application of Online Tools in Teaching Chinese Characters

Name of Researcher
LIN Chiung Yao, Centre for Language Studies, FASS


Towards an Augmented Reality Lecture Theatre: Improving Student Engagement with Structural Concepts in the Life Sciences

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
Greg TUCKER-KELLOGG, Dept of Biological Sciences, FOS


Developing and using Online Mobile Patient Health Record Apps for the Teaching and Learning of Pharmaceutical Care among Pharmacy Undergraduates

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Joanne YE Cheng, Dept of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science (FOS)


  • LEE Yu-Chia Joyce, Dept of Pharmacy, FOS
  • CHUI Wai Keung, Dept of Pharmacy, FOS
  • Kevin YAP Yi-Lwern, Dept of Pharmacy, FOS


Improving Affective Fidelity of Simulations: A Strategy to Enhance Emotional Learning for Undergraduate Nursing Students

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Jeanette J. IGNACIO, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM

Co-PI: LIAW Sok Ying, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM


Bullet Maestro Ears: An Aural Analysis Training Software

PI: Peter Ivan EDWARDS, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (YSTCOM)


Incorporating Web-based Learning in the Teaching of Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: WEE Hwee Lin, Dept of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science (FOS)


  • TAN Mui Ling, Dept of Pharmacy, FOS
  • ONG Pei Shi, Dept of Pharmacy, FOS
  • WONG Li Lian, Dept of Pharmacy, FOS
  • YONG Sock Leng, Dept of Pharmacy, FOS


Integrating Communicative Practical Grammar and Vodcast in Authentic Setting for Higher Elementary and Immediate Levels of Indonesian as a Foreign Language

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Johanna Wulansari ISTANTO, Centre for Language Studies, FASS


  • Indrianti, Centre for Language Studies, FASS
  • Jeniati PRASETIO, Centre for Language Studies, FASS

Measuring Learning Outcomes in an NUS Residential College

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: TAMBYAH Siok Kuan, Dept of Marketing, NUS Business School


  • Reuben WONG, Dept of Political Science, FASS
  • TAN Lai Yong, Angsana College (3)
  • Damith C. Rakapakse, Dept of Computer Science, School of Computing (SOC)


Participatory Action Research (PAR) Assessment of University Town Residential Programme (UTRP) at Tembusu College

Name of Researcher
Gregory CLANCEY, Dept of History, FASS, Asia Research Institute (ARI) & Tembusu College


Using the Learning Catalytics Technology to Facilitate an Active Learning Environment

Name of Researcher
Adrian LEE, Dept of Chemistry, FOS


Virtual Reality in Human Anatomy Teaching and Learning – Use of Interactive Digital Media and Multimedia – Development of a Module for Human Head and Neck Region

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Gopalakrishnakone, P., Dept of Anatomy, YLLSOM


  • Asanka Abeyakoon, IDMI, NUS
  • Kenneth Gerald PINTO, Centre for Instructional Technology (CIT)
  • Kiruthika Ragupathi, Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL)
  • YICK Tuck Yong, Dept of Anatomy, YLLSOM
  • KONG Eng Chuan, Dept of Anatomy, YLLSOM
  • Thomas LOW, Head of Otolaryngology,  NUHS
  • GOH Poh Sun, Dept of Diagnostic Imaging, NUHS



Acquisition of Medical Immunology Knowledge Structures of Medical Students

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Charles GULLO, Medical Education, Research & Evaluation, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, & Dept of Microbiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)


  • Justin WONG, Dept of Microbiology, YLLSOM
  • Preman Rajalingam, Duke-NUS
  • Ruth S. DAY, Dept of Psychology, Duke University


Characterising Effects of Hospice Fieldtrip on Holistic Professional Development Among Undergraduate Dental Students – An Assessment of Transdisciplinary Pedagogy Between Dentistry and Social Work

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: HSU Chin-Ying, Stephen , Dept of Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry

Co-PI: Esther GOH, Dept of Social Work, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (FASS)


CSI: 101 (Forensics) – Use of Practical Teaching Enhancement Modes for Integrated Learning in Seminar-style Small Groups

Name of Researcher
Lina LIM, Dept of Physiology, YLLSOM


Learning Data Structures and Algorithms with Unified and Interactive Visualisation

Name of Researcher
Steven HALIM, Dept of Computer Science, School of Computing (SOC)


Plan-It Game – A Planner Game

Name of Researcher
CHUA Kim Huat, David, Dept of Civil& Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Achieving Interactive and Participative Teaching and Learning with Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: ONG Soh Khim, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Co-PI: Andrew Y. C. Nee, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Teaching and Learning Chinese Characters Using Cloud Computing Technology

Name of Researcher
WANG Hui, Dept of Chinese Studies, FASS


The Application of Video Podcasting in Teaching Chinese

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: CHIN Kwee Nyet, Centre for Language Studies, FASS

Co-PI: LIN Chiung Yao, Centre for Language Studies, FASS


Assessment on Experimental Proposals Drives Inquiry-based Learning in Laboratory Education

Name of Researcher
Wu Jinlu, Dept of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science (FOS)


Computer Application to Enhance Pharmacology Teaching and Learning

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: LEE Jon Deoon, Edmund, Dept of Pharmacology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)

Co-PI: SENG Seng Kok Yong, Dept of Pharmacology, YLLSOM


Development of a Cloud-based Peer Feedback and Peer Evaluation System for Student Team Projects

Name of Researcher
Damith C. Rajapakse, Dept of Computer Science, School of Computing (SOC)


Interprofessional Education for Healthcare Profession Students in the National University of Singapore

Name of Researcher
PI: WONG Li Lian, Dept of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science (FOS)


  • TAN Mui Ling, Dept of Pharmacy, FOS
  • LIAW Sok Ying, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM
  • JACOBS Joshua Levi, Dept of Medicine, YLLSOM


Using Interactive Learning Tool to Enhance Class Participation and On-the-spot Feedback: A Method to Address Quiet Students and Students with Irregular Attendance

Name(s) of Researcher(s)
PI: Andi Sudjana Putra, Dean’s Office, Faculty of Engineering

Co-PI: TAN Kok Kiong, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering