
About TEG Learning Communities

The Teaching Enhancement Grants (TEG) provide monetary support for scholarly work with the aim towards improving the quality of teaching and learning at NUS. TEG Learning Communities (LCs) is a new initiative that seeks to strengthen connections among teaching staff and create supportive networks for teaching at NUS through the establishment of funded learning communities. The purpose of the LCs will be to engage in focused and sustained discussion of specific aspects of university teaching that relate to a topic of mutual concern to the group. 

Application is open to all teaching staff of NUS, whether academic or professional. Each LC will involve a collaborative effort and should consist of one Principal Facilitator and one Co-Facilitator. Members of the LC can include faculty teaching members, professional staff, research assistants, and undergraduate and postgraduate NUS students. The optimal size of an LC is 8-12 persons and it is preferable to include participants at different levels and stages of their careers. Existing Learning Community projects could also make a subsequent application to sustain their initiatives and to propose any new endeavours with justifications.


Application for FY 2024 TEG Learning Community (TEG-LC) Projects is CLOSED.

For further information, please refer to the Call for Proposals and Proposal Form.

The Learning Community projects supported by the TEG are listed here.