
Educational Leadership Pillar

The CTLT Educational Leadership Pillar has been set up to provide advice, support, and grants to help faculty members:

  • develop educational leadership knowledge, skills, and disposition with a focus on promoting teaching and learning across the university;
  • share, exchange, and enhance good teaching and learning practices within and beyond the university; and
  • nurture a culture of success for all learners.


We strongly believe that you can develop your leadership sphere of impact (classroom -> Department/Faculty -> university-wide -> national/global) as you progress in your journey as an academic by building on the following:

  • maintain a concerted effort on improving teaching and learning;
  • establish constructive relationships and trust to promote the sharing of good practices within and beyond NUS; and
  • lead and encourage colleagues to engage and collaborate in professional inquiry into new or innovative practices, which can be used to enhance teaching and learning.


To best support your planning on being an effective leader in teaching and learning, here is a list of CTLT programmes arranged in chronological order, for your consideration:

Grant Funding Programmes (supported by CTLT)

Funding OpportunityEligibility* to ApplyApplication DatesType of Funding
Teaching Enhancement Grant – Learning Improvement Projects (TEG-LIP)Full-time, ongoing teaching staffCall starts: February
Call ends: March
Notification: June

The Teaching Enhancement Grant – Learning Improvement Projects (TEG-LIP) provides grants for conducting inquiry studies into teaching and learning:

  • Up to $15,000 over 1-1.5 year period
  • Up to $30,000 over a 2-3 year period
MOE Tertiary Education Research Fund (MOE TRF)Full-time, ongoing teaching staffCall starts: Mid-April
Call ends: End-May (internal due-date)
Notification: Early Feb (following year)

The MOE TRF is an external funding from MOE to promote innovative educational research into T&L at tertiary levels.

  • Tier A: up to $150,000 over a 2-year period
  • Tier B: up to $250,000 over a 3-year period
University Teaching Awards
Awards (OEA, ATEA, ITEA)

Full-time, ongoing teaching staff.

Team led by full-time, ongoing teaching staff.

Call starts: Early August
Call ends: October
Notification: April (following year)

The University Teaching Award recognises teaching excellence and educational leadership with the following awards:

Teaching Enhancement Grant – Learning Community (TEG-LC)Teams of 10-12 faculty, staff and/or students led by full-time, ongoing teaching staffCall starts: November
Call ends: January (following year)
Notification: Mid-February
The Teaching Enhancement Grant – Learning Community (TEG-LC) provides grants of up to $6,000 for one year, to bring colleagues together in a learning community to engage in monthly professional conversations and collaborative earning.

*Note: The review committee has the right to decline any application that is deemed unsuitable.

Capacity-building Programmes

Capacity-building OpportunityEligibility to ApplyApplication DetailsTypes of Activities
CTLT Affiliates Programme (CAP)Full-time, ongoing teaching staff with appointment at Senior Lecturer and aboveCall starts: February
Call ends: March
Notification: April
The CTLT Affiliates Programme (CAP) provides support for faculty through collaboration with CTLT academic developers. No grants awarded but faculty can leverage on the expertise and resources of CTLT to develop their own leadership capacities.
Developing a Teaching PortfolioFull-time, ongoing teaching staffPlease contact one of our academic developers to schedule an appointment.

Faculty members are encouraged to start early to develop their Teaching Portfolio for both personal growth as an educator and to prepare for promotion purposes.

CTLT academic developers are available to support faculty through one-on-one consultations.

Consultations on Teaching and Learning (T&L) Inquiry ProjectsFull-time, ongoing teaching staffPlease contact one of our academic developers to schedule an appointment.CTLT offers faculty members the opportunity to discuss, consult, and collaborate on different T&L-related inquiry projects.