
A Reflection on Reflective Practices in Public Health Education

Cecilia TENG Woon Chien and Raymond LIM Boon Tar

Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (SSHSPH), National University of Singapore (NUS)
National University Health System (NUHS), Singapore

Recommended Citation

Teng, C. W. C., & Lim, R. B. T. (2024). A reflection on reflective practices in public health education. Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 14(1). 74-82.


Reflective practice (RP) is essential in public health (PH) work. Despite its benefits, literature is scant regarding the use of self-reflection as a pedagogical tool in PH education. We reflect on RPs in PH education at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and suggest recommendations to improve teaching practice. Most undergraduate PH students appreciate and practice self-reflection, although efforts to develop self-reflection skills could aim to be more inclusive. Emphasis on RP as a teaching tool varies across PH courses and teaching practices. To address barriers raised by students and faculty members, some ways forward include creating learning communities to encourage continuous discourse and wider adoption of RP in PH education, and using pedagogical frameworks to scaffold reflection for learners.


Keywords: Public health, reflective practice, self-reflection, undergraduate, postgraduate, faculty