
Special Issue

Augmenting the Virtual Environment: Technology – Innovation – Humanity


1Eva Y. W. WONG and 2Theresa KWONG 


1Principal Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK
Consultant, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), Hong Kong

2Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK
Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), Hong Kong


Keywords: eLearning, virtual teaching and learning (VTL), online learning, face-to-face learning





This Special Issue was conceived to complement the 16th eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA2021), hosted entirely online by Indonesia’s Soegijapranata Catholic University around November/December 2021 ( At the time, the COVID-19 pandemic was still affecting student mobility, with colleges and universities deploying eLearning or virtual teaching and learning (VTL) to continue educating students. The Forum provided educators and technologists with an opportunity to “take stock of the rapid technological and educational movements in response to the pandemic and to consider the long-term benefits and challenges to students and institutions of learning” (eLearning Forum Asia, 2021). Eleven manuscripts are accepted for publication in this Special Issue. There are eight Articles and three Reflections on Practice showcasing innovative use of technologies and pedagogies to educate students. All eleven papers demonstrated humanity as educators were keen to help students learn effectively despite the pandemic, with good VTL measures adopted during the pandemic transitioned into routine practices to ensure continued benefits to students.