
Verily Tan

CTLT Verily Tan

Senior Education Specialist

Dr Verily TAN, a Senior Education Specialist at the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT), is well experienced in educational technology and pedagogy, focusing on blended learning, academic development, and technology-enhanced learning (TEL). With a Master’s degree in Learning Sciences and a Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University Bloomington, her research interests include online teaching and learning, interdisciplinary STEM learning, and collaborative design. Verily also actively contributes to understanding andragogy, the methods of teaching adult learners, in her role at CTLT.


Selected Publications and Conference Presentations

Hamburg, M., Tan, V., Simpson, A., Maltese, A., & Danish J. (2021). Making for learning: How graduate students discuss and design for maker-focused pedagogy. Information and Learning Sciences

Tan, V., Crow, L., Gibson, A., Phillips, C., & Reck, C. (Jul, 2019). Authentic learning: creating transparent candy glass windows for culinary arts through experimental design. The Science Teacher86(9), 32-39.

Tan, V., Nicholas, C., Scribner, J., & Cross Francis, D. (Aug, 2019). Enhancing STEM learning through an interdisciplinary, industry-generated project. Technology and Engineering Teacher79(1), 26-31.

Cross Francis, D., Tan, V., & Nicholas, C. (2019). Supporting disciplinary and interdisciplinaryknowledge development and design thinking in an informal, pre-engineering program: a workplace simulation project. School Science & Mathematics119(7), 382-395.

Peppler, K., & Wohlwend, K., & Thompson, N., & Tan, V., & Thomas, A. (2018). Squishy circuits: Circuitry learning with electronics and playdough in early childhood. Journal of Science Education and Technology

Tan, V., Keune, A., & Peppler, K. (2016). The materiality of design in electronic-textiles. In S. Goldman & Z. Kabayadondo (Eds.), Taking design thinking to school: How the technology of design can transform teachers, learners, and classrooms. New York, NY: Routledge

Tan, V., & Kou, X. (2014). Use of case-based reasoning to train educators to design with Web 2.0. Educational Media International51(2), 91-108.

Tan, V. (2017). Collaborative problem framing: Tensions between individual and group framing. Paper presented at Americium Educational Research Association Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Tan, V., & Peppler, K. (2015, June). Creative design process in making electronic textiles. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 327-330). ACM.

Tan, V., & Peppler, K. (2014). Designing with electronic textiles. Paper presented at Americium Educational Research Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Tan, V., Chia, A., Wong, S., & Lee, Y. H. (2011, March). Pilot Wiki Implementation–Lessons Learned on Student Collaboration. In Global Learn (Vol. 2011, No. 1) Penang, Malaysia (pp. 365-374).

Tan, V. (2010, May). Optimizing the Blogfolio Experience. In Global Learn (Vol. 2010, No. 1) Melbourne, Australia (pp. 149-158).