Senior Associate Director
Dr Kiruthika Ragupathi leads the professional development pillar at the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT). With over three decades of experience in professional development, she has played a key role in initiating/redesigning signature programmes such as the Professional Development Programme–Teaching (PDP-T), the Course Design Institute (CDI), the Educator-in-Residence Programme (EiRP), and Open Conversations. She is dedicated to enhancing teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes by continually refining teaching quality instruments at NUS. Beyond her administrative and teaching responsibilities, Kiruthika’s research spans areas such as academic development, graded/gradeless learning, assessment, technology-enhanced learning, interdisciplinary education, and student living-learning experiences. Her commitment to evidence-based practices is evident through her active participation in cross-disciplinary research aimed at enhancing higher education. Kiruthika’s role at CTLT underscores her expertise in pedagogical development while positioning her as a driving force behind fostering innovative educational ecosystems and inspiring educators to strive for academic excellence.
Bayraktar, B., Ragupathi, K., & Troyer, K. A. (2025). Building trust through feedback: A conceptual framework for educators. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 13, 1-19.
Lee, A. M., & Ragupathi, K. (2024). Trust and ethos in academic development: credibility, identity, and value. International Journal for Academic Development, 1-14.
Ragupathi, K., Lee, A. M. & Jien, S. Y. (2023) Qualities of an effective online facilitator. In The Sage Handbook of Online Higher Education, S. Wa-Mbaleka, L. Casimiro, K. Thompson (Eds.), 311–323. Sage Publications:
Ragupathi, K. (2022). Illuminating the interactions between ideologies, academic subjectivities, and practices in a hybrid graded/gradeless learning environment: An ethnographic study deploying the practice lens. [Doctoral Thesis, Lancaster University]. Lancaster University.
Ragupathi, K., Yeo, Z. H., & Loy. H. C. (2022). Promoting critical thinking and learning in a large enrolment humanities course: A case study. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 10.
Ragupathi, K. (2021). Desired characteristics of continuing professional development for holistic academic development, International Journal for Academic Development.
Ragupathi, K., & Lee, K. C. (2021). Navigating opportunities and challenges during uncertain times: Role and value of academic development units. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 36(2), 281–298.
McMorran, C., & Ragupathi, K. (2020) The promise and pitfalls of gradeless learning: responses to an alternative approach to grading, Journal of Further and Higher Education, Online first, June 2019, DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2019.1619073
Ragupathi, K., & Lee, A. M. (2020). Beyond fairness and consistency in grading: The role of rubrics in higher education. In Higher Education, Diversity, and Inclusive Pedagogy in Asia, N. W. Gleason and C. S. Sanger (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan: Singapore, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-1628-3_3, (Book Chapter)
McMorran, C., Ragupathi, K., & Luo, S. (2017). Assessment and learning without grades? Motivations and concerns with implementing gradeless learning in higher education, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(3), 361-377, DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2015.1114584
Ragupathi, K., & Hubball, H. (2015). Scholarly approaches to learning technology integration in a research-intensive university context: Impact of a new faculty initiative, Transformative Dialogues, 8(1), 1-16.
Pan, D., Ragupathi, K., & Ip, Y. K. (2012). Effects of a professional development programme on the development of teaching styles. Journal of the NUS Teaching Academy, 2(4), 170-191.
Ragupathi, K., & Lakshminarayanan S. (2012). Facilitating 21st century skills in engineering students. The Journal of Engineering Education, 26(1), 1-11.
Pan, D., Tan, G. S. H., Ragupathi, K., Booluck, K., Roop, R., & Ip, Y. K. (2009). Profiling teacher/teaching using descriptors derived from qualitative feedback: Formative and summative applications. Research in Higher Education, 50, 73–100.
Conference Presentations
Bayraktar, B., Ragupathi, K., & Troyer, K. A. (2024). Cultivating trust in the feedback process: Instructor practices and learning environment conditions, ISSOTL24 conference, Indiana, USA, October 28-31.
Bayraktar, B., Ragupathi, K., & Troyer, K. A. (2024). The power of feedback: Equipping developers with feedback literacy strategies. 49th Annual POD Network Conference, Chicago, USA, November 11–14. (Conference Workshop)
Yeo, Z. H., & Ragupathi, K. (2024). A systematic review of evaluation studies on foundational faculty development programmes for university-wide academics, ISSOTL24 conference, Indiana, USA, October 28-31.
Bayraktar, B., Ragupathi, K., & Troyer, K. A. (2023). Conflicting feedback beliefs and practices: Understanding the role of feedback in building instructor-student relationships, AALHE 2023 Conference: Assessment Narratives, Mysteries, and Myths, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 5-8.
Bayraktar, B., Ragupathi, K., & Troyer, K. A. (2023). Exploring feedback beliefs & practices in higher education: A cross-institutional, mixed methods, international research study, ISSOTL23 conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, November 8-11.
Bayraktar, B., Dobbs-Oates, J., Troyer, K. A., Ragupathi, K., Felten, P., Hamshire, C. & Forsyth, R. (2023). Navigating challenges and reaping benefits of long-term, multi-institutional, international SoTL partnerships, ISSOTL23 conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, November 8-11.
Yeo, Z. H., Ragupathi, K., & Loy, H. C. (2022, March 7-8). Who benefits most from informal peer learning? Identifying predictors using the exploratory-sequential approach. The 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2022).