
Yeo Zi Hui

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Education Specialist

YEO Zi Hui is a passionate academic developer committed to the advancement of higher education. At CTLT, she is involved in designing, developing, delivering and evaluating professional development programmes, and works closely with educators to creatively translate evidence-informed teaching and learning strategies onto the ground.

Aside from her work as a practitioner, Zi Hui also contributes actively to the education literature. She has experience using both quantitative and qualitative methods, including Natural Language Processing and classroom observations, to inquire into the classroom. Her work has been presented at conferences such as the Higher Education Research & Development Society of Australasia and published in academic journals like the Teaching and Learning Inquiry. Learn more about her on her LinkedIn profile.

Selected Publications and Conference Presentations

Ragupathi, K., Yeo, Z. H., & Loy, H. C.. (2022). Promoting critical thinking and learning in a large-enrolment humanities course: A case study. Teaching & Learning Inquiry 10.

Yeo, Z.H., Goh, J. M., Ang, J., Ng, G. Y., & Ragupathi, K. (2024, October 29). A systematic review of evaluation studies on foundational faculty development programmes for university-wide academics. The International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2024.

Yeo, Z. H., & Yap, M. J. (2023, July 4). The effects of educational backgrounds on freshmen’s adjustment and achievement at a Singapore university [Poster presentation]. The Higher Education Research & Development Society of Australiasia (HERDSA) 2023 Annual Conference.

Yeo, Z. H., Lee, K. C., Yap, M. J., & Wu, S. M. (2023, March 30). The short-term effects of a first-year writing course on the linguistic complexities of students’ writings. The 9th Asian Conference on Education & International Development.

Yeo, Z. H., Ragupathi, K., & Loy, H. C. (2022, March 8). Who benefits most from informal peer learning? Identifying predictors using the exploratory-sequential approach. The 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2022).

Gan, M. J. S., Tan, B. K., & Yeo, Z. H. (2020, December 9). Technology acceptance model and the perception of learning quality in an online design studio environment. The e-Higher Education Campus Conference 2020 (e-HECC 2020).