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[EWBCLB-TRAIL] Book Launch for The Cambridge Handbook of Private Law and AI

Join Justice Anselmo Reyes, Singapore International Commercial Court, and the panel at this event which marks the launch of The Cambridge Handbook of Private Law and AI edited by Ernest Lim and Phillip Morgan. It is the first dedicated treatment of the interface between AI and private law, and the challenges that AI poses for private law. This Handbook brings together a global team of private law experts and computer scientists to examine issues such as whether existing private law can address the challenges of AI and whether and how private law needs to be reformed to reduce the risks of AI while retaining its benefits.

Generative AI 101 for Newcomers

This is a workshop for newcomers to Generative AI / Large Language Models. We will first take a look at how these large language model works from a layman point of view. The inner workings of these models will give us an understanding of the abilities and limitations of Generative AI in general. In the second part, we will go through a few hands-on scenarios to understand the affordances of Gen AI in the teaching and learning sphere.

Producing Engaging Self-Recorded Videos with AI-powered Tools

AI-powered tools are available to increase the efficiency of producing self-recorded videos. Despite their availability, many colleagues are unaware of the transformative potential these tools. Join us for a two-hour session aimed at enhancing both your pedagogical repertoire and technical skills. Besides elaborating on storyboarding, we will showcase a variety of AI-powered tools, demonstrating their capabilities in enhancing scripts, text-to-voice generation, image creation, and audio enhancement. Join us for this workshop that will also help you develop efficient workflows in your video production.

Maximising Student Engagement with Course Readings

Have you had difficulty in getting students to complete the required readings for your module? Is it a challenge to get them to think more critically about the content? How can you tackle this challenge of not only getting students to read, but also to get them to engage with the course readings? This session will introduce methods for increasing your students’ engagement with the assigned readings. It is designed to support faculty in providing structures for motivating students to engage with the readings in an effective and time-efficient manner. Applying these methods in their modules will enable faculty to create an active reading environment that can improve engagement and comprehension.
AI Apr 2024

AI-Powered (written) Assessments: Navigating Opportunities & Limitations

This workshop explores the potential benefits and limitations associated with GenAI-powered assessment methodologies. In addition, participants will gain insights into how GenAI could potentially enhance efficiency, scalability, and objectivity in the grading processes, while also exploring the limitations associated with it.

Engaging Students as Partners in Teaching and Learning

This workshop contains two parts. In Part 1, Dr Peter Lau, from the Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) will introduce the principles and values of Students as Partners (SaP) in teaching and learning in higher education. Selected SaP examples in Hong Kong will be shared and analysed to demonstrate the possibility and flexibility of SaP projects. Four approaches to SaP projects will be discussed. In Part 2, Peter will share some tips and guide participants to review course documents and identify possible ways to involve students as partners in teaching/curriculum development. Participants will work in groups or pairs to generate and share ideas at the end.

Transforming Learning Together: The Impacts of Student Partnership in Higher Education

Student partnership is seen as “a collaborative, reciprocal process through which all participants have the opportunity to contribute equally, although not necessarily in the same ways, to curricular or pedagogical conceptualization, decision making, implementation, investigation, or analysis” (Cook-Sather, Bovill & Felten, 2014: 6-7). In this talk, Dr Lisa Cheung from the Centre for Applied English Studies (CAES), the University of Hong Kong HKU) will first present the context for student partnership and potential benefits of engaging students in teaching and learning. The conceptual model for student partnership (Healey, 2014) will be discussed as a foundation of engaging students through partnership in higher education. The model focuses on four interrelated ways of engaging students in partnership: curriculum design, assessment and feedback, scholarship of teaching and learning, and subject-based research and inquiry. Building on the Students as Partners initiative in CAES, Lisa will discuss three major roles that student partners can take to engage in teaching and learning projects for enhancement of teaching and learning (i.e., Co-Creator, Co-Teacher, and Experience Sharer).

[NUS Lifelong Learning Festival 2024] FutureWork2.0: AI in Action

Unlock the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on various industries. Hear from Keynote speaker James Landay of Stanford University's Institute for Human-centered AI and join panel discussions featuring senior leaders from Microsoft, GovTech, Visa, AI Singapore and more.

[InnovFest 2024] Driving Innovation, Nurturing Talent: Creating Impact for Asia

Organised by the NUS Enterprise, join Asia's largest university start-up showcase from 29 to 31 May 2024 at the Singapore Expo to explore trends in AI, digitalisation and more.

De Novo Molecular Design with Machine Intelligence

Various “artificial intelligence” (AI) methods have emerged as potentially enabling technology for drug discovery and automation. In this distinguished lecture series organised by the NUS Articificial Intelligence Institute, Prof. Gisbert Schneider, ETH Zurich (Dept. of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences) will provide a critical assessment of the possibilities and limitations of the individual approaches and dare forecasting the future of drug design with AI. [Registration has closed]

Decoding the Disciplines

This workshop by Professor Kathy Takayama (EiRP 2023) introduces faculty to “Decoding the Disciplines” (Pace & Middendorf, 2004) to unpack their expertise into the set of decisions involved when applying the skills and knowledge of their disciplines. The step-wise process of “decoding” allows us to uncover our “expert thinking” so that we can make this process transparent and accessible for our students. Decoding the Disciplines is applicable in a wide range of pedagogical situations, including guiding students in capstone projects or research projects, teaching interdisciplinary courses, and teaching introductory courses.

An Introduction to the use of Generative AI in Creating Comics for Learning Purposes

This workshop explores and introduces the use of generative AI (GenAI) art in the art form of comics or manga, for teaching and learning. It introduces educators to tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Canva to create comics for educational purposes.