
AJSoTL Volume 5, Number 2 (June 2015)


The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as Integrative Practice

Peter David LOOKER and Erle LIM Chuen Hian

Introducing Research Papers Into a Second Year Undergraduate Life Science Module to Promote Active Learning


The Scholarship of Educational Leadership in Research-intensive University Contexts: Implications for Promotion and Tenure Supervision

Harry HUBBALL, Anthony CLARKE, CHNG Huang Hoon, and Peter GRIMMETT

Mandatory Class Participation: Factors That Influence, Classroom Practices and Learning Outcomes

RAVI CHANDRAN s/o Thiagaraj

SoTL Practices in Mathematics Classrooms: Promoting Student Interest and Learning Outcomes in Mathematics

Victor TAN, YAP Von Bing, and CHNG Huang Hoon