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Stephen Tay En Rong

CTLT Stephen Tay ER

Associate Director and Associate Professor

Stephen believes in active learning through question-and-answer generation. This sparked the development of scenario-based student generated questions and answers (sb-SGQA), which was implemented in various courses to improve student learning. Beyond pedagogy, Stephen is also active in andragogy with engagements by local and overseas organisations such as the Singapore Environment Institute and ASEAN Centre for Energy. Stephen is a Fellow of the Teaching Academy, and was awarded the University Teaching Awards Honour Roll (2024-2028).


Selected Publications and Conference Presentations

Tay, S. E. R. (2024). A four-year journey in implementing scenario-based student generated questions and answers (sb-SGQAs) across Departments, Colleges, and Institutions [Oral Presentation]. In SoTL-Asia Talk Series, 6th August 2024, Singapore

Tay, S. E. R. (2024). I Ask, I Answer, and I Acquire [Oral Presentation]. In ITB-NUS Sharing Session on Engaging Students for Enhanced Teaching and Learning, 28th February 2024, Singapore. 

Tay, S. E. R., & Liu, M. H. (2023). Exploratory Implementation of Scenario-based Student-generated Questions for Students From the Humanities And Sciences in a Scientific Inquiry Course [Oral Presentation]. In Higher Education Campus Conference, 7th December 2023, National University of Singapore

Tay, S. E. R. (2023). A Three-Year Study Across Two Modules on the Use of an Enhanced Question Generation Approach for Active Learning and Authentic Assessment With Peer Learning [Oral Presentation]. In World Engineers Summit 2023, 8th November 2023

Tay, S. E. R. (2023). Empowering Students to Ask, Discover, and Learn in a Digital Age with Scenario-based Student Generated Questions and Answers (sb-SGQA) [Invited Guest Speaker]. In ALL EmpowerED Teachers’ Conference Jakarta, 11th November 2023 

Du H. J., & Tay, S. E. R. (2022). Using Scenario-Based Student-Generated Questions to Improve the Learning of Engineering Mechanics: A Case Study in Civil Engineering [Paper Presentation (Best Paper Presentation Award)]. In Higher Education Campus Conference, 7-8 December 2022, National University of Singapore.  

Tay, S. E. R. (2022). Learning Beyond the Classroom: Scenario-Based Student Generated Questions for Aspiring Researchers [Guest-of-Honour Keynote Address]. In 28th Youth Science Conference, 16th September 2022.  

Tay, M. X. Y., & Tay, S. E. R. (2022). Scenario‐based Student Generated Questions for Active Learning and Authentic Assessments – Results from Implementation Across Two Modules [Oral Presentation (Best Presentation Award)]. In 17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 28th June 2022

Wong, N. H., & Tay, S. E. R. (2022). Reflections and Results from an Interdisciplinary Module Spanning Three Disciplines for Sustainable Built Environments [Invited Talk]. In 17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 28th June 2022

Tay, M. X. Y., & Tay, S. E. R. (2021). The Use of Peer-Learning in Scenario-Based Student Generated Questions Across Two Modules During COVID-19 [Oral Presentation]. In International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 28th October 2021.  

Tay, M. X. Y., & Tay, S. E. R. (2021). Scenario-Based Student Generated Questions for Students to Develop and Attempt for Authentic Assessments [Workshop]. In International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 27th October 2021

Tay, S. E. R. (2021). Solar Energy for Sustainable Cities: Where is the Maths? [Invited Talk]. In A-Level Maths Annual Sharing, Ministry of Education, 18th August 2021.

Tay, S. E. R. (2020). Best Practices in Teaching Our Students for Sustainable Campuses and Beyond [Invited Panellist]. In EduTECH Virtual Asia, 26th June 2020. 

Tay, S. E. R. (2020). To Quote or Not to Quote: The Impact of Quotes on Student Motivation Pre-COVID and Peri-COVID [Oral Presentation]. In EduTECH Asia, 6th November 2020

Tay, S. E. R. (2020). Using Quotes to Increase Community and Student Engagement During COVID-19 [Oral Presentation]. In Online Higher Education Campus Conference (e-HECC), 8th December 2020

Chng, H. T., Tay, S. E. R., Low, I. C. C., Ng, M. T. T., & Chong, Y. Y. (2020). Motivating students pre- and during challenging times – a multidisciplinary perspective [Oral Presentation]. In Online Higher Education Campus Conference (e-HECC) 8th December 2020

Tay, S. E. R. (2020). An Energy Audit Project for Sustainable Living: Impact on Student Learning and Household Electricity Consumption [Oral Presentation]. In Online Higher Education Campus Conference (e-HECC), 9th December 2020